Hoopszilla NBA,Uncategorized What is Daryl Morey’s offseason priorities for the Philadelphia 76ers

What is Daryl Morey’s offseason priorities for the Philadelphia 76ers

I like Daryl Morey as a GM, but I’m starting to think that while we’ve all been told that they’ll be chasing star players this off-season Morey’s real plan is to pick up several players like Melton and completely rebuild their bench. We may all want a Bradley Beal or a Zach LaVine, but I’d be shocked if either one ends up here. Morey seems to have a massive ego and adding either player would completely change the roster, I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t see him making any move that could blow up in his face and effect his legacy here. He’s starting to remind me of Danny Ainge in that he wants to win every trade and be seen as a genius, I hope he is. ~Philip Jackson~



People who say Beal isn’t a fit crazy.
People who say why would Wizards do this? If Beal says he wants to go to a certain team he will get what he wants. Wizards can get some assets or none. ~Serge Benson~



Sometimes it’s best to not make moves.
Sixers were two wins from the final four with a banged up Embiid and Harden and no Danny. That’s three starters.
Tobias is quite solid.
Maxey will only get better.
Springer and Joe and Reed will develop.
Don’t bust it up for some expensive aging veterans. ~David Lipshutz~



Why all the Tobias Harris trade talk? I wouldn’t trade him today for any current PF. I’m not sure why everyone wants to move Tobias I can only think because of his contract. The guy consistently shows up for work with a lunch pale every night, gets you a consistent 20+/5 boards, great teammate, leadership, never complains about his role in this offense, accepts criticism, coaching and loves the city but we want to trade him for what, because he makes $35 million annually. Help me make sense of this. ~Jason Johnson~



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