Hoopszilla NBA,Uncategorized Suns Fans Fear Decade of Misery if they trade for Kevin Durant

Suns Fans Fear Decade of Misery if they trade for Kevin Durant

I feel like Suns FO is sacrificing EVERYTHING just to help CP win a ring before he retires. KD would absolutely be exciting *for a couple years*. Title is NOT guaranteed tho. After a couple good years we’ll have a 36 yr old KD, no CP, no Bidges/Johnson/Ayton, no picks for another 2-3 years. We’d likely be back to mid 2010’s Suns with Book doing everything, again, and probably demanding a trade at that point.

Back to my first point, if they weren’t so concerned with winning NOW for the sake of CP, I say retain our young core, if Ayton wants out so be it, use him to try to acquire a star guard for the future post-CP (Spyda 👀). My biggest fear is gutting our team and future for a couple fun years with semi-prime KD, and then being right back to a decade of misery.

~Dallas Clonts~



KD has been in the league a long time and has played with lots of stars and couldn’t win squat without Steph and Klay in his prime- now he’s older with major injury history and doesn’t take the ball to the hole anymore- what makes anyone think we can gut the young core of our team, stick him with one over the hill star and another star and we win anything? I just don’t get the thinking- we are close to building it for real like the Warriors did without KD, let’s just make the necessary moves without him and do it! ~Ryan Wisdon~



However Jesse Hoover writes:


I’ve waited all my life for a CHAMPIONSHIP…I’ll take my chances with KD…Do you think the Kansas City Royals, Arizona Diamondbacks, Chicago Cubs fans mind sucking now?….No cause they got that 1 CHAMPIONSHIP! #PLANETORANGE4LIFE

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