Hoopszilla NBA,Uncategorized Sacramento Kings Draft Keegan Murray #4 Overall | 2022 NBA Draft

Sacramento Kings Draft Keegan Murray #4 Overall | 2022 NBA Draft

DETROIT PISTONS fan here, I have a message for every Sacramento Kings fan. Before I get to my message, I want to say thank you for drafting Keegan we needed Ivey.
Ever since the draft ended, I’ve been reading articles about draft grades, and winners and losers of the draft. Something that is showing up pretty consistent, is how the Sacramento Kings messed up, and how the Sacramento Kings were losers in this draft. I know what it feels like in previous years to go back and read articles about how your team did, and it sucks hearing the bad reviews.
This message is for every person that has read an article about the kings getting a bad grade in the draft, or being listed as one of the losers in this draft.  The Sacramento Kings were not losers in this draft, and you all really got an A+ in this draft. The Sacramento Kings did not need Jaden Ivey, you needed who you got. The goal on draft night is to improve as a team, and you all did that.  What is not being talked about, is drafting Jaden Ivey, would have probably caused tension with the guards that you have now.. Jaden Ivey mentioned he did not wanna go to Sacramento, he wanted to go to Detroit, so he would’ve been disgruntled. Giving Ivey minutes over your current starters, would’ve caused tension there as well, and they would’ve ended up not being happy. Keegan may not be viewed as a better player than Ivey, but he is the better player for your team.
I also would like to thank the Kings, for not causing Detroit to have to give up assets, in exchange for the draft pick, which would’ve resulted in you getting the player that you were going to get anyway. Keegan is a good player. He is culture changing, and will fill a need for your team.
So in the end I would like to say, you all did about as good as you were going to do in this draft, you got lucky moving up in the draft, and you got a great player, this season will play itself out, Murray is going to be one of the best rookies this year. Even if Ivey ends up being better in the long run, he would not have been better for your team.
A+ draft. ~Bobby Thomas~



“Keegan Murray had 782 points, 66 blocked shots and 63 3-pointers this past season in college.
Murray joined Kevin Durant (2006-07) as the only two underclassmen over the last 30 years with 700+ points, 50+ blocks, and 50+ 3-pointers in a single season.
Special player.” ~Charlie Santana~


Sacramento Kings Draft Keegan Murray #4 Overall | 2022 NBA Draft

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