Hoopszilla Basketball Drills,Uncategorized Jordan McCabe – “The workout that made me a D1 basketball player”

Jordan McCabe – “The workout that made me a D1 basketball player”

Jordan McCabe claims that this particular basketball workout is what made him a division 1 basketball player. As an inspiring basketball player it is always important to do drills and workouts. A lot of kids growing up playing in parks or with their friends with never really training and doing drills. And yet this may help them make their middle school, or even high school basketball team. However without extreme height and athleticism without being very skilled in the game of basketball it is hard to make it to the next level. So take notes, and apply to your workout routine. If you don’t have a basketball workout routine and you desire to play basketball at the next level wherever that my be; it is time do develop your routine today.


Jordan McCabe D1 Workout:


– 5 Minute Ball Handline workout

– Free Throws

– Make 10/13 catch and shoot 3’s

– 10 Game Shots with Dummy D

– Ball Screen 3’s: 3 in a row = 1

– Cardio Shooting

– 10 Spot up 3’s

– Manager 1’s (1 vs 1)

– Free Throws to end


Watch the full video below:



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