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Breaking Down Boston Celtics Offseason Moves | The Rich Get Richer

Why Brad’s Day One Moves Were A Big Win

In the first 24 hrs we got Danillo Gallinari a proven consistent 3 pt threat. He can’t do much else but we gave up nothing for a player who often keep Atlanta in games single handedly last year will now give that to us.

But the success of success or failure of Brads move center on the acquisition of Nalcolm Brogdon. And that has been the source of no small controversy.

Let’s look at this trade another way.

First, we were able to unload Daniel Theis who brought in last year at the trade deadline in case Al broke down.
I understand that most of us just LIKE Theis.

He’s a real lunch pail guy who comes in to goo to work every day. Admirable quality in a league where personal entitlement runs so rampant.

But let’s face it, he was simply a liability in the floor.

He could handle neither the new breed of quick and mobile NBA big men nor the sharp shooting big men that spread the floor. And that made him unplayable in the playoffs.

We get to dump his salary ($9mil) earned to play in only 47 games all season. And the beauty is he is completely replaceable by the $17 mil TPE Brad holds in his back pocket for an immediate upgrade.

Thank you very much.

That is a winning move without even getting Brogdon.

Next the team got rid of Nesmith a promising player who simply did not work out. And he was due to earn $3.8 mil for playing in 47 games averaging 3.8 pts.

Many including myself lauded his willingness to sacrifice his body doing the hustle plays and going full speed on defense. But we got him for shooting power and he just failed to meet those expectations.

And Brogdon plays BETTER defense snd shots +40% from three on the regular.
If the trade were a one to one Brogdon for Nesmith – again, we win

No one is crying over the skew of G-Leaguers given up, right? And a pick skated for the late 20’s is well… a pick skater for the Kate 20’s.

So I’ll just keep it moving.

Yes, Brogdon runs injury risk but contrary to what a lot are saying he will primarily be asked to run the second unit.
Remember he averaged 6 assists per game for an offense run through a single target the big man Sabonis.

Now he will have multiple assist targets – Grant Rob Kornet, DWhite and Gallinari, who hits a high percentage with a hand in his face, are all going to get mad open looks.

And imagine the threat that PP will be with a fresh Brogdon coming in to deliver the ball in his spots.
And imagine further when he plays with JT and/or JB how much he will open the floor with his shooting and delivering in rhythm along with Marcus and DWhite.

But I feel we need to address another issue.

Many people believe Marcus will be moved to the bench as sixth man replaced by Brogdon. I think that would be a mistake for Marcus for the team and for Malcolm.

Marcus and the team with him at the point performed far beyond expectations taken is within 2 games of a chip. That is a precious thing in itself.

But the key to protecting Malcolms body is a deep rotation.

He can score better than MS 19ppg he can playmake, but his productivity will depend on his availability.\

And the productivity of the DPOY also means he MUST be on the floor.

This trade was a no brainer for Brad.

Still it’s only day one and many questions remain unanswered.

Who will backup Rob? Is DWhite they CB odd man out? And what happens with Al?


~Okuwah Garrett~

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