Hoopszilla Basketball Drills Ball Handling Rhythm Coordination Drill

Ball Handling Rhythm Coordination Drill

In this drill demonstrated below the ball handler dribble’s the ball through the middle of her legs catching the ball in the opposite hand, and going behind the back to the original hand. All of this is done with only 2 dribbles. The ball handler should not add any dribbles before going between the legs or behind the back. In addition, look at the footwork: the ball handler moves her feet in a rhythm; one step forward as the ball goes between the leg, and the second step forward is with the opposite foot as the ball goes behind the back. Notice that she is almost hopping in a rhythm as the ball is going between her legs.

In addition it is important to do this without looking down and watching the ball.

If practicing this drill I would have the ball player go up the court with one hand, and using the opposite hands on the way back.

1-3 reps

Drill Difficulty level 6: Intermediate

Watch the drill below:

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